Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wealhtheow's Thoughts (from Glennellen's point of view)

Wealhtheow’s Thoughts During Beowulf’s Arrival

“Oh, I do hope with all of my heart that Beowulf appreciates his gifts and treasures. More importantly, I pray that they even come close to expressing our most profound gratitude towards him!”

“My, what a hero…without him, the killing spurge of the evil Grendel would still keep us, the Danes, awake at night unable to let the nightmare escape our thoughts. I wonder, if he perhaps inside was just as frightened of the monster as I; even though he was able to maintain his courage?”

“Dear me, how tired and parched these young warriors look…and their hunger most likely ravenous! I had better not let them down as a hostess…”

“I know that I may rely on Beowulf with my sons…if ever he were to fail me, I’d be more surprised with him than ever I have been at a person. He is a loyal, caring man. Oh, how I shall miss them…”

“Oh, I wish all these brave young men the most wonderful feast tonight, and I pray them not at all disappointed. But my, I’ve probably gone around the table at least five times refilling their glasses with wine and mead. I do hope that they do not get themselves inebriated. The thought of what would come out of their mouths and their actions if that were to happen! I do not wish to face the matter that happened with Unferth again….”

“Ahh, to finally rest and sleep at peace; no more of Grendel lurking in the night to haunt me.”

“Of all the things to happen! Yet another threat prowls in dead of night now…oh, and how well the matter had been taken care of by the warriors and mighty Beowulf!”

“And of all the people that had to face death, our dear friend and counselor Aeschere was selected. Oh, how dearly Hrothgar must grieve! How dearly I must grieve! Does the Lord no longer love us?!”

“Seeing Hrothgar in such pain and remorse…it is so hard to bear to watch. Is there never to be peace for the Danes again?

“How Beowulf is right…we must stand strong. Aeschere shall be avenged and the lives of innocent people spared of death and peril from the mother of our previous demon-monster. The Lord still loves us…he has not turned against us after all.”

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wealtheows Random Thoughts at the Feast

Praise God above for Beowulf. He is surely the most courageous warrior we have. He didn’t seem to be afraid at all when he fought that Grendel. That battle with the monster was terrifying. Ah! I must do something to show our gratitude! I could—Oh! I can’t believe I didn’t notice that man over there before… hmm….
Now why can’t other young men be like Beowulf? His name is now known far and wide across the land. The Lord has truly blessed us to use him to slay that monster. Oh goodness!!! That drunkard nearly fell off of his horse! No, he seems to be okay… Now have I done everything right? Is my husband pleased with my actions? Oh dear… I need to serve more drinks to the men…More music at the next feast too. That minstrel should play more instead of stuffing himself silly. I’ll discuss that with him later. Oh there is that selfish Unferth. What does he want from me? I’ll just walk over here. Hmmm…that pork tastes divine! What shall I do with myself when I’m old and alone? Will people still visit an old woman in her last few days? What shall become of Hrothgar? Will Herot be consumed by yet another Godforsaken beast in the future? Oh, I shouldn’t worry so. Ah! Here comes our hero. I’ll present a torque to him. What a treasure! I do wish him the best of luck.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ari's Unferth :An Unpleasant Look through Unferth's Eyes

That Beowulf.. He thinks he is the best! I can take down an ogre any day;In fact, I could
take one down faster than he could! Now he offers himself
up again to save our people, I would be a much better
hero than him, and a better looking one too! Hey.. If I go maybe I could see the monster destroy that Pretender... And then I could jump into the fray and destroy the monster
myself! It would be like killing two birds with one stone! Hah!
Ugh! When are going to leave already?? Is he done buttering up my dad yet?! Hurry up!
A few hours later... Why should he get to ride in the front? Wait, why did every body stop?? What is that? It's...IT'S Aeschere's HEAD! Whoa.... Ok, just pretend that you didn't notice and remember Beowulf is going to die. There's the lake. Hmm.... I hope my dad doesn't take to hard when Beowulf doesn't come back. Oh Well! I should give Beowulf my sword... It is the least I can do before he dies... Luckily he is so dim-witted that he can't tell a sharp sword from a blunt one! Hah! Take that Pretender! Yes! Yes! Go on, jump to your watery doom! WAIT! What if he does survive?? Nah... That couldn't happen! If the monster doesn't get him then he'll drown,like the slimy bilge rat he is!
Ha! So many hours have past, he couldn't be alive! I win! No more of that Pretender to steal the glory!!!
YES! Wait! What? What's with all the commotion? Beowulf has returned? NO!!!! The royal brat survived?
It can't be.... He has Grendel's head and a wonderful sword with him! I wish I had that sword!!!! Wait... Why is he coming over here? Oh no... He going to punish me for giving him a blunt sword! Here comes the anger....!
WHY? Is he giving it to me with a smile? He must have done something to it! I checked all over, but there was nothing damaged... Maybe he knew and spared me the anger and embarrassment....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Description of Grendel


A creature, more frightening than you could ever imagine, haunted the great halls of Herot in the night. When the sun had set, and the sky was a black sheet.

Grendel, demon of all demons. Deadly Beast. Blood Seeker. Hell’s Assassin. The only monster who came close to being as bad as Satan himself. His image could paralyze you. He was enormous, big. His ogre-like features made the skin of humans crawl, his flesh the color of a deadly green. Blood was smeared upon his arms, remains of his last meal; of the last unfortunate soul to which he’d shown no mercy. Claws sharper than knives were always at the ready on his slimy, grimy hands. His legs dragged behind him when he crawled, gaunt and beaten…but ready to kill, nonetheless. They never made a sound as he lurked through the halls which he haunted at nightfall, always silent and sneaky. Filthy rags hung from his body, caked in dirt and blood. His eyes were filled with hate, hell’s flames shining through them. You could see images of death and murder just gazing into them…the gore and evilness. But as if anyone dared look him in the eye or even approached. But those who’d been killed and slaughtered by him would always catch a glimpse before being devoured in his great, blood-thirsty mouth. After his killing spurge, the smell of flesh and human blood sat upon his lips. No one could ever escape him. His strength was too much to bear. What a God-cursed creature he was…

Never had one looked upon such a terrible sight. Never had one swore that they had seen hell through a ghoul. Never had one ever been so terrified of a being…than they had of Grendel.

(by Glennellen)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Grendel seen by Ari: The Observer

Close by, I could hear his piercing howl. This Godforsaken being was closing in on his prey. I could just imagine what the victim was witnessing. A raw, ripped, and ravenous face with a gaping maw and bloodshot eyes. By now the a cursed thing would have the poor victim in his clutches. His blood encrusted finger nails would pierce any man's skin. He is almost finished; I can still hear the banshee like screams of his prey. Suddenly the scream breaks off. It is silent. I turn around and find my self face to face with the death taker. Neither of us move; I wince at the smell of his breath-The most horrific thing I have ever smelled in my life-Rotting corpses. He is everything I had imagined him to be. Realizing the danger, I turn to run.

Now the Observer becomes the prey.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anna's Coast Guard View of Beowulf's Arrival

As I snoozed off on the wall, still half-awake hoping my officers around me won’t notice, I felt the tremendous vibrations of the ocean-water churning. When I fully regained consciousness I saw a beastly thing I had never seen before! This ship, sailing towards our shore, was magnificent. I can only imagine how the fish getting tossed through the waves from it’s water-disturbers must have felt!

Completely awakened at this point, I clambered down from my perch. While I was climbing down, I began to think of the possible reasons they would come to a place like this, when we are in such a devastating situation due to that life-taker. Are they friends of that terrible beast? Do they not know of his wretched actions? Do they plan to, dare I say it, attack us? I stumbled up onto my horse, filled with anxiety.

When I arrive at the point where their ship is stationed, I am astonished at the beauty of it. And the armor of the men, it was glistening! Then I am reminded of my fears. What purpose do they have here, in the land of Dane? I withdraw my sword, radiant in the sun’s rays. I ask them of their meaning in arriving at this place. Are they friends or foes? I explain to them my longevity as watcher of the sea, hoping to maybe frighten them if they are enemies, and impress them if friends. Still astonished at their ship and armor, their bravery to come out in such openness, and the splendor of their leader, I confess to them that I have never seen such a feat, or such a magnificent captain.

This fearless man, his breastplate reflecting from that fire-ball, explains to me his motives. Their heritage is in Geatland. They are here to help us destroy the enemy! He boasts he can show King Hrothgar the way to ruin him, and I, surprising myself, say that I believe him. I tell them I can bring them to the King, for I know the way. I command my comrades to guard the splendorous water-carriage, full of excitement to hear more from these men on the ride to Herot Hall.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Journal Writing Activities

Feel free to copy and paste your journal assignments for this week here. I will print them out and bring them to class with my critique on them.

I hope you enjoy reading each other's works. It's fun to see other people's writing styles.