Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My randomish poem that doesn't rhyme.

Throw in a dash of dance,
Snowflakes, water, kittens,
A bunch of bubbles, and voice,
Mashed taters and flowers.

Add in a pinch of clouds,
Laughter, music, bacon,
Childhood, kisses, puppies,
As well as new laptops.

If you stir in movie quotes,
Bible, auburn, slushies,
A lot of smiles and hippos,
And of course the fedoras.

Monday, April 26, 2010

You wanna see random? here ya go!

The Bible
and bacon,
love, pie, ME!
books, sweet tea,
penguins, steak,
pancakes, steak!
fluffy cats,
guinea pigs,
comfy chairs,
grass, bagpipes,
water, sugar,
mashed potatoes,
Chuck Norris.
Mix them and get,
an awesome

Random to The Extreme

Throw in a dash of candy,
To give to your friend,
The candy will certainly come in handy,
Your friendship will go around the bend,
Don't give it to your dog,
And your Labyrinth Breather,
Or else their stomach will clog.
I want to see penguins,
Maybe I'll see them in Disney,
Where are the penguins?
Disney is not cisney.

Just keep dancing,
Funky music,
The tax collectors are advancing,
Music is cusic.

I need a twenty-five foot pole,
Made of cheese,
Hope I don't squish a mole,
This is going to be a breeze.

I want to go to Africa,
Do they have any theme parks?
Is there a place called transafrica?

This is where I make my mark,
Time to go ride a roller coaster,
And wrestle a shark,
Let's make a poster!

I like sunsets,
Especially when it is viewed over mountains,
This is the perfect time to cook up some crickets,
I need some water from the fountain.

Talk about a work of art,
I love my opposable thumb,
I don't know where to start,
Where's my mum?

Addicting video games,
Boring books,
I throw them all into the flames,
I'm a pro cook!

My hobby is acting,
Pretending to be whomever I wish,
The key is reacting,
That's the dish!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Assignment for the week of April 26th....

Hi all, I hope you are enjoying the book.
Here's this week's assignment:
Mon: Rd p 59-68
Tues: Answer ?'s #1-6 on p 68
Wed: Answer assignment ?'s p 68-69
Thurs: Answer vocabulary ?'s p 69

Please post if you have any questions!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Assignments for week 6

Hi all, I hope everyone had a good Spring break!

The assignment for this week is:

Mon: read pgs 54-58.

Tues: Please complete the questions on p 58

Wed: write a conclusion for the body of the essay you wrote last week. Remember to reread it first. you may want to rewrite your intro too. Please do your best effort, so that you can see how much your writing has improved by doing these exercises.

Thurs: Vocab #1 & @ p 58-59.

Have a good week,
Ms. Michelle

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Answers for week 5 questions.....

1. Explain: the full power of your essay resides in the body. The body puts forth the reasons that will convince the reader of your thesis.

2. How does the full thesis help you in preparing the middle sections. The full thesis reminds you of the pros and cons of your argument that need to be addressed.

3. Describe the method of handling opposition in both long and short essays. As a writer you should get the opposition out of the way as soon as possible.

4. What point should you make in your last paragraph and why? The last paragraph should contain your strongest point. The most bang for your buck. Give the reader the best you have, clinch the argument!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Assignment for Week 5

Please read pages 47-53 and complete all the questions and the writing assignment on p 53.

Answers for Questions on p 47

1. The function of the introductory paragraph is to introduce the topic in a general way and then to come to a point.
2. The introductory paragraph can be described as a triangle resting on its point. Explain: The paragraph will open with a broad general statement related to the thesis and then it will gradually narrow to a single point.
3. Nobody wants an opinion exploding in their face as the first sentence. People may react negatively to opinions different from their own and may be more easily persuaded if they are gently led into a topic.
4. Open with a general statement.
5. People logically and naturally think of things along a timeline. By scanning from the past to the present, you easily bring the reader to the modern issue at hand.
6. Students desire to be interesting often leads to "Bombshell" openings.
7. By learning the basic and foundational moves in dancing, dancers are able to become more creative in order to build upon those skills.

Please post if you have any questions!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some extra tips for writing intros....

Hi all, I thought this weeks reading was particulary helpful. I thought I would add some comments that might help you in writing your introducatory paragraphs this week.

Here are some steps I've come up with to get started on an introductory paragraph.
1. Choose your topic.
2. Formulate your opinion on the topic. Remember this opinion must be just that, an opinion. It must be arguable and not dircetly proven by facts. This is your thesis statement.
3. Remember from last week to make your full thesis statement. This consists of your thesis statement and the pros and cons of your argument. Write this on an index card and place it in front of you.
4. Look for nouns in your thesis statement. Write some general statements that fit each of these nouns as well as your thesis statements. One of these statements might just work as your opening sentence.
5. Begin your paragraph with your general statement and get more specific with each sentence, saving your most important, impacting statement, often your thesis statement, for last.

Hopefully this will get you started. Please feel free to send me any of your introductory paragraphs for review.